Track Online Your Laptop in Case of Theft

We know laptop theft is very common and most of the time there is no way to 
recover your stolen laptop, but now you can track your laptop easily in case your
laptop get  stolen.

This service is provided by "Indianantivirus" and it is free.

So how to do it? Just Follow these simple steps:

1. Download and run Laptrack from hereEnter the laptop owners information (correct)
   and Register.

2. Now its done, If unfortunately you lose your laptop then,Report Online 
   that your laptop is stolen here and Indianantivirus will put your laptop on hot

Whenever they get updates from stolen laptop, even after formatting it, you will 
keep receiving email alerts with IP address and location. you can then provide 
this information to the police / local law enforcement authorities, who can contact
 the Internet Service Provider and get the exact address of the laptop.


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