Legit Way of Earning Some Money Online

In this post I will tell you a method by which you can make some money online. This
is not a job it is just for them who spent online time whether on facebook,twitter,youtube
or anywhere else. Remeber I am telling you clearly this is not any part time or full time
job so you can't depend on it for your living.

But this is a good way to get some money and it is legit , i mean genuine no fraud. And
you don't have to pay any fees to join .

So follow the steps

1. Go to this site and register yourself by entering name, email and password.

See Images for instruction

2. After registration you will see a page and download link for downloading a software
   download that software. If you are unable to download then download from here.

3. Install the software in your computer. It will appear as a "$ " in taskbar like in below image.

4. Right click on it click setting>move cursor to the left end>choose option "Show ad 
  immediately" .

5 Now you are done you will see ads appear on corner every minute you have to click on them
  and let them open fully. After page will open completely click some link on that page and close
  it.  See below image

as you can see in image an ad is appearing, you have to click on it and let the page open 
then close it. This way you will get paid for every click. You can earn more if you fill up
the information by registering on the site which will appear when you click the ads.

Your earning will depend on how many ads you click per day.

If you have doubt you can leave comments.


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